The Becoming of a White Flower Bud

 In Flora

We are mostly imitators. If you could only see the chatter that is going on in the mind, you will realized that a lot of what it says doesn’t come from you. It comes from well-meaning people and some not so well-meaning people in your life.

When you hesitate to do something, it is usually because of a memory of some conversation that happens in your mind. These conversations are an accumulation of what people have told you. Just see. It is not that they wanted to hold you back, they just wanted to offer some good advice. The thing is they don’t really know what they are saying either, because they don’t realized that they themselves took it from somebody too.

There are so much loud chatter that goes on in the head that it is very hard to listen to one’s own voice. The biggest obstacle is the illusion that made you think those loud chatter are in fact you talking. The truth is they are mostly the voices of others.

If you cut through all those loud noises, in the silence, there is a small and feeble voice that is hidden underneath. That voice is your authentic self. Most people don’t follow that voice because they can’t hear it among all the distractions. They just follow the distractions, thinking that they are following their heart and that is how we imitate others.

There is very little people on the planet that lives authentically by following the nature of their being, that is also why there is very little originality in the world.

At the end of the day, the only question you can ask yourself is are you living a dream or are you living the dream? Are you dreaming up someone else’s life or are you following your own path by marching to the beat of your own drum?

Are you becoming who you are born to be?

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