Fauna | The Lories

 In Birds, Fauna

“Birds are a miracle because they prove to us there is a finer, simpler state of being which we may strive to attain.”

Douglas Coupland

I remembered when I was very young, I was asked by a friend, “If there really is such a thing like reincarnation, what would you like to be in your next life?” I thought about it seriously as if I can really get to choose what I want to be in the next life.

“I would like to be a bird.”

I am a bird and I can fly. With the might of my wings I can freely go to where I want. I do not need a passport nor do I need to pass any customs. There is no imaginary boundaries to hold me back from my exploration and that is the purpose of life—to explore, to experience and to have an amazing adventure before I fall back into the earth as dust.

The earth supports my life experiences by providing an abundance of sustenance. I just need to use my wits and the innate capabilities that I am given. I do not need to be a slave just so I can exist.

The best part is that my fellow species will always recognize me as one of their own so that we can always flock together and fly as a whole.

Life is simply a breeze and that is the dream.

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