Portrait of a Sarus Crane

 In Birds

This is the beautiful Sarus Crane, the world’s tallest flying bird, vulnerable with a population of 13-15,000 mature individuals left in the wild. Interestingly, these cranes are believed to mate for life and will even pine the loss of their mates to the point of starving to death.

When you look into the mirror, do you fall in love with yourself or the image of yourself? Falling in love with the reflection of yourself is an illusion, it is not the real you. Yet a lot of people care so much about the reflection they see and they try to make it look as perfect as possible. It doesn’t matter how your reflection looks, you cannot change the core of who you are. It is consoling though, to believe in the reflection than to dig deep within into knowing yourself.

The nature of questioning is the same. It is easier to ask questions than to seek for the answers. It is even easier still to accept whatever answers that are given without questioning the truth. You just accept, and you don’t ask why, especially from people who seemingly have more experience and authority than you.

The thing about questions is this—they are worthless. The reason you need to question is because you do not know. For every question asked, a thousand answers follow. For every answer given, more questions arises. It is an endless loop. When you know, you know. When you don’t, you are just trying to acquire borrowed knowledge. Even if it’s true, you can’t know for sure it is true unless you experience it yourself. You do not need to ask if the sun rises, you can just see.

If someone told you there is life on the planet Venus and there are aliens living there, it may be true, it may not. Whatever you choose to believe will never be the truth for you because you simply do not know. When you think it is true, that is where the problem starts. You begin to tell people and spread that acquired belief of something you do not know for sure, and that becomes the foundation of all lies—if many people believes in it, you think it must be true.

Remember, if you believe, you do not know. If you know, there is no need to believe.

If you are aware of this, you will realize how much garbage you have collected in your mind through beliefs. Cleanse them if you will, because they are only there to cloud your vision. It is like walking through life wearing multiple sun shades, you will not be able to see much of the road ahead for yourself, much less know what is there.

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