Landscapes | Cloud Cover at Paradise Country

 In Landscapes

“I love the gray area between right and wrong.”

Dan Brown

Walking along the path leading into Paradise Country at Queensland Australia. The farm, the breeze, the air, the clouds, the trees and the wildlife, what more can I ask for?

Life is truly about a series of gratitude, it is about progressing from one gratitude to another. Life is a gift, the reason it is a gift is because we did not ask for life to happen to us—it is gifted to us. Since it is a gift, the only decisions you can make in life is whether you are grateful for this gift.

At times we think we have forgotten to be grateful but that is not the case. It is either you are a grateful person or not. It is never about the thinking, you feel your way into gratitude. When you think, you are trying to come to a decision on whether you have to be grateful and that debate in your mind becomes all about comparisons—judging between right and wrong. If it is right, you are grateful, if it is wrong, you become ungrateful. That is what hypocrisy is. As long as we don’t hurt another, is there really such a thing as truly right or wrong? We all came to the world as individuals and when we leave the world, we leave alone. No one can walk the path for us in our own life. Being right or wrong is just a matter of perception depending on the context and whose point of view it is from. What is right to you will never be totally right to everyone else and what is wrong might be right to someone else. Proving who is right or wrong is just a big waste of time.

I have heard a beautiful quote,”would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?” Proving that you are right all the time would not make you happy. In fact the energy and time wasted on thinking why you are right in the first place is only going to cause misery, because the time you spent on petty matters is just time lost forever. There is greater strength in letting others keep to their beliefs and let them be on their way.

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